Where Should We Go on Vacation?

Get Your FREE Family Travel Passport
with 18 years of vacation destinations
based on YOUR family’s preferences!

Each family member fills out the survey.
KeeKee serves as your guide!
Your survey responses are used to generate
18 years of personalized vacation destinations.
Let your Travel Advisor
know your results
and happy travels!

Family Travel Passport has made it easy to get my whole family involved in planning our vacation… selecting where to go and what to do!


Make the Most of Your 18 Years of Vacation

  • Discover vacation destinations based on your family-specific preferences.

  • Make Every Trip Count, as you only have around 18 travel years together.

  • Avoid Overwhelming Options and Choices.

  • Makes Vacation Destination Selection Easier as it factors in each family member’s interests and age.
  • Gets the Whole Family Involved in vacation planning.
  • Helps ensure vacations are enjoyable and engaging for everyone in the family.
  • Provides expert help in planning vacations from AAA Travel Advisors.

Don’t let another school break pass you by without having a vacation plan for your family.

The Family Travel Passport Survey consists of a series of questions to be answered by everyone traveling in your household on:

  • what types of activities you like to do on vacation,
  • potential attractions you’d like to see around the world and
  • any city destination you know you want to visit.

Your responses – along with the ages of your children – determines which destinations best match your family interests!