Media & Press Assets

Here are resources you are welcome to use when writing about the AAA Family Travel Passport. Please let us know if there is something else you need that is not provided below. Thank you.

Press Release & Fact Sheets

word document icon

Press Release (Word Doc)

Family Travel Passport (FTP) Logos & Graphics

Family Travel Passport Logo

Family Travel Passport Logo with AAA Travel Logo

AAA Family Travel Program Logo

This is the logo being used by AAA Family Travel to indicate family-related content and programming.

Family Travel Passport “Recommendations” Hero Image

This image shows what it looks like within the FTP site when a family views their recommendations.

Family Travel Passport “Recommendations” Hero Image with Destination “Pops”

This image shows what it looks like within the FTP site when a family views their recommendations. Mocked-up to show images of key destinations.

Example “Recommendations” PDF

This is what the family exports as their Family Travel Passport. This PDF gets folded into 4ths to make a mini travel passport of places to visit.

Example “Results” CSV

This is what the family can export to see each response from each family member. This is also help to be sent to a travel advisor to help ensure vacations include the activities and destinations the family most prefers.